doug barber//music Director
Douglas Barber is a composer, singer/songwriter, recording engineer and filmmaker based in New York City.
From 2009 to 2016 he lived in Seattle, where he performed and toured nationally as both a solo artist and as a member of numerous bands, including Koda Sequoia, Bad/Sad Baseball, Mitts and Spillway. He continues to work as a producer and engineer for Seattle-based label God Sags His Pants, as well as recording, mastering, and producing live sound for the larger DIY scene.
He first collaborated with CabinFever in February of 2012, and has acted as musical director for the group since. In this role, he has contributed pre-recorded material, live performance and improvisation, and coordinated an ever-shifting ensemble of musicians for shows in Seattle, Chicago, and on CabinFever’s two U.S. tours. He has also worked with CabinFever as a film editor, co-editing the documentary Salutations: A Tour Through Your Departure and Arrival, with founder/director Elana Jacobs. Once, he did some acting in a CabinFever show; he is told that his performance was “fine”.
Other projects include: composer for NYC based dance company The Little Streams, video editor for Joy Jacobs Photography, freelance sound designer, extremely professional babysitter.
CabinFever shows include: Make Like A Table & Serve (2012), The Living Room (2012), Heart Content (2013), Yellow Etiquette (2014), Salutations Tour (2014), Be By Me (2014),Salutations Documentary (2015) Armslength Wonders Tour (2015), Lillian (2016), A Public Service Announcement from the Night Herself (2016), Respire (2017)